Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Serious Sam Double D Ready to Present Late August

Platformer game played by Sam,who always Serious, titled Serious Sam Double D will be released on 30 August. And can be downloaded via Steam or GetGames. Double D game Serious Sam is the first series released by Serious Sam Indie Series.

Nathan Fouts, leader & lead designer of the developers Mommy's Best Games to express his opinion about this game:

“It’s been amazing to work with the Serious Sam franchise and I think fans of the series will absolutely love our unique take on a Serious Sam game. The Gunstacker is something we’re all very proud of and with 80,640 different gun combinations gamers will have plenty of weaponry options in Serious Sam Double D!”

Serious Sam Double D will continue to bring humor & action which has become a trademark of Serious Sam during this campaign in 18 & 12 levels of challenge levels.

Want to know how to act in the game Serious Sam Double D? Just watch the trailer entitled The Gunstacker below.

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