Sunday, August 21, 2011

DIABLO III - The End is Near

Shortly after the tumultuous events Gamescom 2011 held in Germany there, the game Diablo III is now entering beta test event still seems to be half showed his prowess. Nothing new if Rob Pardo et al. who personally has been preparing for Diablo III to compete with other PC games, is now really make fans shake their just because they have no patience to try a little introduction about the sequel to this legendary game. Obviously this is not a time or two they make furious fans, levels of nearly a decade they manage projects without the frenetic sequel to 2008 launch of a teaser, a lot of making gamers raise the level of their emotions, whether happy, angry, exciting, or other expressions.

Mass hysteria! Yep, that's arguably an act of Blizzard continues stalling for time release date and some important information that they keep secret. Blizzard itself has warned the fans that would later participate formally will be presented with a variety of interesting features and some new gameplay system changes, and yet still, it can not cover their sense of dissatisfaction. The various conflicts that occur among gamers as if to make its own color in every game this trip. Some of the rumors that had hot in a variety of online media the last few years is indeed quite interesting to see, such as melee character build, features and game interface which amended several times, information skills of each char is intriguing, to quests and open world planning systems which is still confusing.
All that gossip like that deserve to be discussed. The ends of course we can see, the various speculations and comments oblique many pop meets every discussion that carries the name of this game.

Unfinished one problem, another one comes news of controversy, culminating recently after Blizzard announced the "information this game goes online" alias must tancep internet if you want to play it (whew!!), Announcing this impromptu no doubt make the fans stand up from where seat. Thousands of pros and cons to meet a variety of discussion forums and news in all walks of gamers, whether it's veterans, pro, middle and even newbie though. Of course millions of Diablo III contingent of participants throughout the various parts of the world will not remain silent, two mutually hostile camps of fans who still remain on their respective stance on the grounds either reasonable or unreasonable. Pro gamers who would clearly have a common goal in each of their thinking is "we play Cleary and the cheaters will of gone", especially from that, they do not say much, aka Blizzard . But from the side of the counter, a lot of speculation that began to appear, starting from the connection system, stuck playing, saving mode, either in character building, the monopoly of the percentage of database items and drop items and much more. Well it is the complaints and fears are understandable, because throughout history in the world of PC games only Diablo who has a difficulty level of super inconsequential compared to the games single player RPG. (If we can see in the console game Disgaea series that has a high reputation in terms of difficulty).

If the previous Diablo II is still held in the three pillars of the level of difficulty such as Normal, Nightmare and Hell. Blizzard is now re announces an additional one-level of difficulty in his latest sequel, the "Inferno" (OMG!!). Can be described when the Inferno itself is the highest level of difficulty after difficulty Hell, here the player can come and feel the heat of the Inferno if you've completed the test phase of the three. Blizzard seems happy to be able to give an offer that is very challenging in this final exam, Exactly through various trials and tribulations of a varied, ranging from new-monster, new-AI, new enemy skill, more sub-bosses, more punishment, improve play bosses, and many more obstacles that would go through the player. Heh! It is not playing if the game is fun to torture gamers through the features that make the player's temperament naek to 220 volts.

It is invisible and theories seem difficult, but the law must be applied to the balance of the world game, Blizzard themselves have also Preparing a variety of items or rewards that can be found in the Inferno difficulty, of course, with a hunting simultaneously. Items and equipment may even be a bonus stat / skill best of the best can be found anywhere, in a variety of hunting areas without having to repeat the same spot as most RPG games. Features random-spot hunting is also arguably the policy of the new system by Blizzard which may later much in demand by the gamers. It's just that players have to linger at home hunting untu find their dream stuff, because surely if Blizzard itself will not make the player move to adorn every character with invent and full power equipment.

We also heard the system of hardcore that once applied in the game Diablo II LOD expansion-setnya, for veterans, or pro freaker might've tried poor across the world of Diablo II to bring the hardcore title. If explored further, hardcore features are in fact not only necessarily be a challenge for adrenaline fans among gamers, but could make a pride to seek self-identity among players and big-name player. No wonder indeed if the title is embedded in the hearts of hardcore enthusiasts Diablo series because of the identity and social status.

Well, if this feature is also going back on show in the sequel series, we-still not knowing for sure. It could be that hardcore is no longer integrated through the Diablo III gameplay system, but replaced with other features are more attractive without having to reduce the passion of the gamers who never tried it, who knows ...

Not wise indeed if we as fans must judge from one side only, whatever that is inevitably anyway, eventually we must accept as well. A variety of obstacles and barriers is a process in which all the world's eyes will be to apresiasikan every second by second effort that so far they are doing. Their seriousness to form a special team to work on this game for any console-decent thumbs up. But that does not mean will cause the difference between the users PC or console of any kind, I personally hope that the seriousness it could proceed further until workmanship ekspansion set that has become a tradition of Blizzard games. Because each factor is not only the cultivation of just playing games but the series expansion sets itself also has more distinct values ​​in front of the fans.

At the end of words, none of the fans who say "no" when they faithfully waited for the emergence of this third masterpiece, perhaps hundreds, thousands or even millions of fans in various parts of the world were ready gathered to participate in the fight against the prime evils "Diablo ". No doubt, no word back, no word back, all have been together for waiting.

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