Saturday, August 20, 2011

Early versions of Firefox 9 can be downloaded

With the launch of the final version of Firefox 6, Mozilla can now concentrate on developing the next version of Firefox 7, 8 and 9.

And in almost the same time offering Mozilla Firefox 7 beta, Firefox 8 Aurora build version and build of Firefox Nightly version 9 for the general user who tries. All three versions of web browsers can be downloaded from Mozilla's ftp server.

For information there are 3 stages of development that must be passed before the mozilla launch the final version. The first is Nighly build, followed by Aurora build and final stage is a Beta build.

Because it is still an early version so do not expect if this application will run smoothly. Even features that are still basic features.

Firefox seven planned to be launched on 27 September this year, followed by Firefox 8 on November 8 and Firefox nine in December.

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